- Δημήτριος Π. Παναγιωτόπουλος (2023) "Διορισμός Προσωρινής Διοίκησης Αθλητικού Σωματείου", σε: Εφαρμογες ΑΣΤΙΚΟΥ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ & ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΔΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ (ΕΦΑΠΟΛΔ) 5/2023.Έτος 16ο , σελ. 577-583
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P., Kallimani Zografenia, Konstantinidis Konstantinos (2022), THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WADA CODE IN GREECE THROUGH LAW 4791/2021”, Sports Science research (10.12064/ssr.2022083104).
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2022), "Athletes’ Agreements/Contracts Greek Law And Lex Sportiva (FIFA COVID-19 Guidelines & FIFA COVID-19 FAQ) – Halt CAS", In International Sports Law Review Pandektis, Vol. 14, 1/2. Pp. 85-89
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios(2020), “Lex Sportiva and National Law, FIFA, and Hellenic Football Federation (HFF) Regulations”, In International Sports Law Review Pandektis, Vol. 13, 2020, pp.7-16.
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P., Konstantinidis Konstantinos, Kallimani Zografenia (2020), "The Implementation of the WADA Code in Greece Through Law 4373/2016",in KUTAFIN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW , Vol 7, No 2, pp.321-326.
- Δημήτριος Παναγιωτόπουλος (2019), «Αντί της Απαιτούμενης Αναθέσμισης, περιορισμένη Μεταρρύθμιση στον Αθλητισμό Νόμος 4603/2019», σε: Εφαρμογές Αστικού Δικαίου και Πολιτικής Δικονομίας, τευχ. Απρίλιος 2019 , Αθήνα.
- Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos (2019), "Report on Greek Sports Law", in: Greek Law Digest, Nomiki bibliothiki: Athens, pp. 617-626,
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2016), “Arbitral Jurisdiction in Sports Activities”, In: e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. IV: 1-2, Pp.20-34.
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P., Kallimani Zografenia (2016), “Implementation of WADA Code in the Greek Sports Legal Order”, In: e-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol.IV:1-2, Pp. 135-139
Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos (2016) Physical Activities-Legal Horizon and Sports Regulation as Lex Specialis: Lex Sportiva, in:The Open Sports Sciences Journal, 2016, 9, (Suppl-1, M5) 35-42.
Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2016) “Personal and Economic Freedoms And FIFA Regulations (LexSportiva)”, in: International Sports Law Review, Vol. 11, Issues 3-4, pp.247-253
Gkonta Aikaterine (2016) “Penal and Disciplinary Liability Entailed in Doping in Sport Activities”, in: International Sports Law Review, Vol. 11, Issues 3-4, pp.403-411.
Karagianni Maria, Karabekou Amalia (2016) “Fencing: the Olympic Sport Through Art. Theoretical Approaches”, in: International Sports Law Review, Vol. 11, Issues 3-4, pp 421-428.
Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P., Patronis Angelos (2015), “The Function of The Hellenic Football Federation Within the Legal Framework”, In: e-Lex Sportiva Journal,Vol. III:1-2, pp.95-102
Dimitropoulos Andreas (2015), “Athleticism as a Field of Philosophical and Constitutional Quest”, in: Sports Law, 22 Years I.A.S.L (Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos Ed),Hellenic Center of Research on Sports Law: Athens] Pp. 31-39.
Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2015) “Sport features as activities form individual actions of common sport distinction sport from “contests - competitions”: legal framework - interpretation -application”, International Sports Law Review Vol. 11, Issues 1-2,Pp.197-205.
Papantoniou Alkis (2015), “The FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries:Implementation, Differences with the Current System And Challenges”, In: Sports Law, 22 Years I.A.S.L (Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos Ed), Hellenic Center of Research on Sports Law: Athens] Pp.148-157.
Bellou Magdalini (2015), “The Necessity for Regulation or/and Re-Regulation of Sports Labor Relationships, Especially of “Amateur Athletes”, In: Sports Law, 22 Years I.A.S.L (Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos Ed), Hellenic Center of Research on Sports Law:Athens] Pp. 172-190.
Zagklis Andreas (2015), “Basketball Arbitral Tribunal (Bat): A Quick, Efficient, Innovative Way To Settle Financial Disputes”, In: Sports Law, 22 Years I.A.S.L (Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos Ed), Hellenic Center Of Research On Sports Law: Athens], Pp.290-298
Δημήτριος Παναγιωτόπουλος (2015) «Ολυμπία και Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες -Θεσμική Διάσταση –Προοπτική», σε:Πρακτικό 1ου Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο - Πάτρα, 29-30 Μαΐου 2015. Πάτρα, σελ.177-183.
Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos (2015) “Employments Relations In Sports Activities And Protection Of Individual And Economics Freedoms A Corpus Juris Athletiki “, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis, Vol. 11:1/2, pp.8-20.
Patsantaras Nikolaos (2015) “Can Sports Law Contribute to Regulating the under-Representation of Women in Sport Governing Bodies? A Case Study in Greece” “, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis, Vol. 11:1/2, pp. 128-138.
Papaloukas Marios (2015) “Sports Image Rights in Greece”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis, Vol. 11:1/2, pp.172-188.
Patronis Aggelos, Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios (2015) “Disciplinary Penalties to People Involved in Professional Sport. Concequences – Enforeability”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis, Vol. 11:1/2, pp.189-194.
Anagnostopoulos Ioannis C.(2015) “Employment Relations in Sports Activities”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis, Vol. 1:1/2, p.195
Panagiotopoulos Panagiotis(2014), “Global Sports Tourism and the Necessity of an Institutional Framework in Greece”, in: e- Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. II: 2, pp. 389-398.
Papantoniou Alkiviadis (2014), "The Confrontation οf τhe Violence Arising From Sport Events - Sport Laws And Regulations About Football", in: e- Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. II: 2, p. 467.
Panagiotopoulos, Dimitrios P. Karachaliou Aikaterini (2014), "The Principle of Exclusion in the Framework of the National Sports Law Procedural Issues in the Administration of Justice (The Case of The Art. 131 2725/1999 Greek Law) ", in: e- Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. II: 2, pp. 356-36
Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2014), "Contracts for Sports Services", Kutafin University Law Review (KULawR), Vol.I:2, pp 191 -207.
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2014), “General Principles of Law in International Sports Activities And Lex Sportiva”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis, Vol. 10:3-4, pp.332-350, in: Επισκόπηση Αθλητικού Δικαίου Lex Sportiva ,Τευχ.10:2014 (in Greek), Τευχ. 10:2014, σελ. 2-11 και σε: Sports Science Research ( in Chinese) No 1, pp 74-81.
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2014) In Sports Activities when there is Ludica, Lex is Not, but when Lex is, then only Lex Sportiva is !!! As a Category of Sports Law, in: e- Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I:2, pp.7-18
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P., Karachaliou Aikaterini (2014) A Constitutional Chart of Sport Management for New Demands And Higher Expectations In International Practice, in: e- Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I:2, pp.173-183 and In Greek: Επισκόπηση Αθλητικού Δικαίου Lex Sportiva , Τευχ. 10:2014, σελ. 19-24.
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2013), “Contracts of Providing and Offering Sports Services”, in: e- Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. I:2, pp. 149-168.
- Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2013), “Legal Aspects of Sports Tourism Protection, Greece and European Union”, in: e-Lex Sportiva Journal (e-Lex.SJ), VOl.I:1, pp. 34-39 and In Greek: Επισκόπηση Αθλητικού Δικαίου Lex Sportiva, Τευχ. 10:2014, σελ. 25-27.
- Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos (2013), "The Greek constitution Concerning Sport and Sports Federation", in: News Prospects of Sports Law [Publication Committee festschrift for 60th birthday of Dr Kee -Young YEUN], YR Publish Company: Seul, pp. 143-175
Alexandrakis Vagelis (2013), “Ambush Marketing: the Added-Value of Event-Specific Legislations”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis (ISLR/Pand), Vol. 10: 1-2, pp.189-196
Daras Ioannis (2013), “ERT “Padlock” and Champions League - Radio Rights in Danger”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis (ISLR/Pand), Vol. 10: 1-2, pp.259-267
Panagiotopoulos Dimitrios P. (2013), “Clauses for A Legitimizing Basis of Regulatory Competence in International Sports Activities a Lex Sportiva & Lex Olympica Constitutional Charter”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis (ISLR/Pand), Vol. 10: 1-2, pp.15-24
Papaloukas Marios (2013), “Lex Sportiva And Lex Mercatoria”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis (ISLR/Pand), Vol. 10: 1-2, pp.197-203
Papaloukas Marios (2013), “Sports Self-Governance”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis (ISLR/Pand), Vol. 10: 1-2, pp.95-104
Patsantaras Nikolaos (2013), “Using Global Sport Ceremonies To Activate Human Rights: An Approach Prompted By The Beijing Olympic Games”, in: International Sports Law Review Pandektis (ISLR/Pand), Vol. 10: 1-2, pp.30-50
Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos (2013), “Aspects of Sports Law & Lex Sportiva”, in: Revista de Derecho del Deporte, 25-4-2013, Cita: IJ-LXVII-965 http://www.ijeditores.com.ar/articulos.php?idarticulo=64965&print=2 (in Russian)
- Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos (2013), “Sporting Jurisdictional Order and Arbitration”, in: US-China Law Review, Vol. 10:2, pp.130-140.
- Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos(2013), Sports liability and sports behaviour controlled by the sports law in Greece(Greece), Sport Science Research , (2): 12-16. Browse (84) Download(125).
- Δημήτριος Π. Παναγιωτόπουλος (2012) "Νομική αντιμετώπιση της βίας στους αθλητικούς χώρους", σε: ΠΟΙΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗ (Ποιν. Δικ. ), 12/2012 (ΕΤΟΣ 15ο), σελ. 1145-1154.
- Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos (2012), “Lex Sportiva: International or sui Generis – ‘Unethnic’ Law?”, in: "SPORTS LAW: PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT", sixth International scientific practical conference, Moscow State Law Academy et all, Russia. 30 May 2012 MoskBa, pp. 25-31.
- Δημήτριος Παναγιωτόπουλος:«Αθλητικού Δικαίου Θεμέλιο:Σωματικός Αγώνας, Πτυχές του Αθλητικού Δικαίου και Lex Sportiva»: Επισκόπηση Αθλητικού Δικαίου Lex Sportiva ,Τευχ.9:2012, σελ.2-7
- Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos (2012), "IASL Presentation on "The Status of Sports Lawyers in the World" on the Framework of Sports Law Section of the International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport", in: International Sports Law congress (ICESEMIS 2012), http://iasl.org/pages/posts/on_line_papers/on_line_papers309.php, Glasgow, Great Brittan.
- Δημήτριος Π. Παναγιωτόπουλος (2012), "Η διοικητική διαδικασία ενώπιον του ΑΣΕΑΔ" σε Διοικητική Δίκη, Τεύχ. 4, σελ. 817-830.
- Δημήτριος Π. Παναγιωτόπουλος - Ιωάννης Μουρνιανάκης (2011), "Αθλητικά στοιχήματα: Πολιτική στο επίπεδο της Ε.Ε.”, σε ΔΙΚΑΙΟ ΜΕΣΩΝ ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ (ΔiΜΕ&Ε), Τομ. 8, σελ. 349-352.
- Dimitrios Panagiotopoulos (2011), "Report on Greek Sports Law", in: Greek Law Digest, Nomiki bibliothiki: Athens, pp. 626-632, http://greeklawdigest.gr/topics/sports-law/item/113-report-on-greek-sports-law
- Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos (2011), “Lex Sportiva and International Legitimacy Governing: Protection of Professional Players”, US-China Law Review, Vol. 8:87, pp 122-136.
- Dimitrios P. Panagiotopoulos (2011) УГОЛОВНАЯ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬ ЗА ДОПИНГ ПО ЗАКОНОДАТЕЛЬСТВУ ГРЕЦИИ (Ποινική Ευθύνη στο Doping), in:СПОРТ: ЭКОНОМИКА, ПРАВО, УПРАВЛЕНИЕ, No 4, pp. 29-30
- Δημήτριος Π. Παναγιωτόπουλος (2007), Περί Σωματικών Αγώνων θεσμικός λόγος, σε: Φιλοσοφείν Αθλητισμός και Δίκαιο, Νομ. Βιβλιοθήκη:Αθήνα, σελ 90 -114